Our People

Presiding Bishop: The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry
Beginning 11/1/2024 the Presiding Bishop Elect: The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe
Diocesan Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Samuel S. Rodman
Assistant Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Brooke-Davidson
Vicar: Vacant
Ministers: All the People of St. Paul's
Mission Vestry
Lynn Reynolds, Sr. Warden
Maury York, Jr. Warden
Nancy Stover, Secretary
Dru York
Mitch Wilds
Charla Ellis
Will Hinton

Directors of Lay Ministers
Acolytes: Ruth Wheless
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Various
Ushers/Torchbearers: Various
Coffee Hour: Charlotte Harris
Lectors: Various
Leadership and Support
Choir Director / Organist Emeritus: Anne V. Scoggin
Bookkeeper: Ruth Wheless
Altar Guild Director: Jane Miller
Flowers: Ruth Wheless
Linens: Maggie Green
Prayer List: Kim Saunders
Web Page: Jacinta Johnson
Bulletin: Vacant
Stewardship Committee: Open